Episode 14: Progress over Perfection


Just scrolling through instagram you’ll see countless images that try to convince you that everything has to be perfect before you launch your business. The perfect light, the perfect backdrop, the perfect desk!

I’m here to say, that just isn’t true! And on this episode of the Nicole Walters Podcast, we are talking about how flawless and perfect isn’t real life and you don’t need to match this unrealistic standard to get started!

The world needs you, not you pretending to be perfect. Let me know what you’re doing to move past perfection by focusing on your progress! Share your takeaway with me on instagram, I’d love to see it.

I so appreciate you and our time together. Thanks for listening friend!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • Why you don’t need everything from Home Goods to get started,
  • How I first launched 1K1Day in my bathroom, and
  • Why you need to move past perfection
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

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