Episode 19: Watch out for Wolves


Friends, on this episode we’re talking about Kanye West. Yes, we’re diving deep into something that’s been on my heart recently and Kanye West just happens to be involved. We’re talking about your Core Moral Compass and if you aren’t sure what that is, you will by the end of this talk!

I know this topic will get you thinking, so don’t miss it!

Thanks for spending some time with me today, I so appreciate it! I can’t wait until the next time we can spend time together – talk to you then!

Read the transcript HERE!

In this episode, you’ll learn:
  • How following your Core Moral Compass will make decisions so easy, and
  • Why you absolutely must be clear on what you offer and don’t act like you offer things you don’t have experience and training in
Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

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